Acupuncture in Morrisset
Available at our Morisset practice.
In use for thousands of years, acupuncture is an ancient Chinese healing practice that involves inserting thin needles into specific points of the body. The process triggers a small inflammatory response around the needle, which promotes increased blood flow to the targeted area. The improved circulation nourishes muscles and tissues, helping them repair and function better.
Who Can Benefit?
What Conditions Can Be Addressed?
People commonly seek acupuncture for musculoskeletal conditions that chiropractic care alone cannot fully resolve. If you experience tight or stiff muscles that haven’t responded to other therapies, acupuncture may help release the tension and promote relaxation. It’s a great option for those suffering from conditions like:
- Chronic muscle tightness
- Muscle spasms
- Stiffness due to injury or strain
- Pain that hasn’t responded to chiropractic adjustments
- Stress
What to Expect
In a typical session, needles are left in place for 15 to 20 minutes. The technique can also involve an acupuncture pen, which helps stimulate and contract muscles via the needle. This added stimulation further relaxes tight muscles and enhances the therapeutic effects of the needles.
Frequently Asked Questions
Will this therapy work for me?
Is there anyone who shouldn’t get it?
Experience the Benefits Today
If you’re struggling with muscle tension or pain that hasn’t responded to other therapies, acupuncture could be the solution you’ve been looking for. Contact Real Life Chiropractic in Morisset today to schedule a consultation.